Thanks for reading tvweakness so far…
16 posts and over 600 views! Thank you so much for taking the time to read tvweakness. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I do writing it. I feel like I have only just started and have many more ideas in my head that I want to share with you.
In saying that I would like to know what you would like to read from me next. I have been tossing around posts for: Lost Girl, Switched at Birth, Homeland, Revenge and Suits. If you have a preference please leave me a comment and if there is an overriding preference that is what my next post will be on.
Also, in this period where many series have had their season finale I have been keeping my eyes out for shows that I am yet to discover. On my radar are: Arrow, Orphan Black, Boss and a local Aussie drama, A Place to Call Home. Do you have any recommendations for me? I promise to watch the first episode and let you know what I think. Maybe you can introduce me to a new show!
Thanks again for reading and please spread the word about tvweakness to anyone who shares our weakness for quality TV….
June 1, 2013 @ 11:09 am
I’m addicted to A Place to Call Home – it is worth a look!
June 1, 2013 @ 11:10 am
Thanks Sharon, I have it lined up, just have to make the time to watch it. Will let you know what I think.