I’m Back…

It would not be unreasonable to think that tvweakness had gone for good. It has been 3 weeks with no new posts and it is not as if television has stopped showing. The answer is much simpler – I have been in Europe for the past few weeks on holidays (or think of it as an End of Season Break). Thank you, I had a wonderful time and now I am back and eager to catch up on my viewing…..and writing.

And what have I missed? The finale of Wentworth to start with; more on that in my next post. New seasons of The Newsroom and Suits have begun. True Blood, So You Think You Can Dance, A Place to Call Home and Switched at Birth are all tracking along solidly.

In addition to Europe warming me up, I was heartened that tvweakness was still being viewed and that the 1,000 view mark has been passed. I hope you enjoy my future posts and if you do, please share them with any other like minded people who share a weakness for quality TV.

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